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Afore joined the first

Afore released | 2019-09-02 | Click: 1396 times

Afore joined the first "Vietnam - China" new energy summit, perfect ending!

In response to the national Belt and Road call and promote national developing , China's solar and wind power companies go abroad all together. With the support of the Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade, Vietnam Power Grid and the Chinese Embassy in Vietnam, Afore New Energy together with domestic and foreign major material manufacturers and many cooperative media have successfully held the first “Vietnam-China” New Energy Summit which was in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ,August 22-23, 2019.


As a Chinese excellent material manufacturer with ten years of PV Inverter dedicated experience, Afore New Energy also attended the conference and demonstrated a full range of PV String Inverter (1.0kW to 60.0kW),Hybrid Inverter (3.0kW to 5.0kW)and Storage system.



Afore has been committed to bringing more efficient Photovoltaic Inverter products to customers. Each Afore Inverter strictly implements the industry production and quality inspection standards, and has been successfully sold to Europe, America, Australia, Asia, etc. Network system of sales, technical support, after-sales and warehousing have been established maturely.



The meeting enhanced the relationship between Chinese and Vietnamese companies, and at the same time, they were more confident in the future development of the industry. The two countries united tightly as one to move on to the bright future.

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