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To support Sunshine action, Afore high-power single-phase 8kW inverter contribut

Afore released | 2018-11-08 | Click: 1690 times

In order to promote the sustainable and healthy development of distributed PV power generation, we will continue to promote the deployment of distributed photovoltaic policie,promote solutions for related issues such as photovoltaic lending, project management, operation and maintenance monitoring, and promote the scale of national distributed photovoltaics from demonstration to branding road. Distributed photovoltaic “Support” Sunshine Action sponsored by Shared Energy and Energy Storage Information was held in Xuzhou in March 8th. Ai Fu attended the meeting with a high-power single-phase 8kW inverter.

The conference attracted a wide range of attention and participation from industry associations, manufacturers, distributors, installers, etc., to talk about distributed photovoltaics. According to incomplete statistics, the conference attracted more than 500 participants.

Wang Sumei, deputy secretary general of Jiangsu Photovoltaic Industry Association, Zhu Junpeng, deputy secretary general of Jiangsu Renewable Energy Industry Association, Hong Wei, president of China Energy Economic Research Institute, and Shen Fuxin, secretary general of Zhejiang Solar Energy Industry Association, attended the meeting and published Suggestions and prospects for the household PV market

On the same day, the goddess festival, Afore and Shared Energy intimately prepared a beautiful gift for the goddess who fought in the photovoltaic line.

By adjusting the power generation coefficient through the intelligent adjustment system of the inverter, the efficiency of power generation of our photovoltaic power station can be more accurately expressed. Moreover, the high-power single-phase inverter makes it easier for the user to clearly know the operation of the power station through the monitoring software. If two inverters are used, it is difficult for users to know how the data is added together, then it is not known how much the specific power generation is, and the data of the two inverters also bring difficulties to the EPC statistical power generation. Using Afore a high-power single-phase 8kW inverter, the above problems can be solved perfectly.
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