Notizie ed eventi

Afore offre una formazione tecnica approfondita a Francoforte

Afore offre una formazione tecnica approfondita a Francoforte

Afore held a successful technical training in Frankfurt, Germany. We can’t wait to share the wonderful moments with you all. We had in-depth face-to-face communication with engineers and shared the products, technical advantages, installation and operation and maintenance of Afore energy storage solutions.

We would also like to express my special thanks to our friends from more than 10 European countries who flew to Frankfurt to attend the technical exchange meeting. Look forward to meeting you again!Don‘t forget to follow Afore and stay tuned!

Afore offre una formazione tecnica approfondita a Francoforte

Precedente : Afore si mette in luce a Smarter E South America

NEXT : Afore Showcases Advanced Energy Solutions at Solar & Storage Live 2023